Friday, August 3, 2012

snake's tail
Nepali : Apamarga
Sanskrit : Apamarga
English : Chaff flower , snake's tail

Family : Amaranthaceae
Habit : Herb
Flowering and Fruiting Period: August-November

Chemical Constituents:
              The dried seeds give proteins, fat, carbohydrates, fibre , ash, calcium, phosphorous and iron.

Occurence :
      Tropical and Subtropical Zones

Description :
   An erect or procumbent , annual or perennial herb, 1-2m in height, often with a woody base, commonly found up to an alititude of 2100m.

     The young leaves are eaten a a pot-herb. The seeds are nutritious when cooked with milk and are potential source of food.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal

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