Friday, August 3, 2012

Hill chaff flower

Nepali: Datiwan, Raato apamarga
Sanskrit: Apamarga
English : Hill chaff flower
Hindi : Chirchira
Mag: Datiwan

Family : Amaranthaceae
Habit : An erect or ascending , annual or perennial , herb or shrub
Flowering and Fruiting Period : July-October

Chemical Constituents :
   Seed contains Saponins and alkaloids Achyranthine. The root contains ecdysterone, inokosterone and rubrosterone.

Occurence :
         Tropical to temperate zones

       An erect or ascending , annual or perennial herb or a shrub, sometimes with woody rootstock, closely related to  A. aspera.
          The seeds are used as food during times of scarcity as a substitute for cereals.

     Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007) . Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

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