Friday, August 3, 2012

Atis root

Nepali : Atis
Sanskrit: Ativish
English : Atis root
Hindi : Atis
Scientific name: Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle.

Family : Ranunculaceae
Habit: A herb
Flowering Period : July-September
Fruiting Period : October-December

Chemical Constituents :
               Atisine, Histine, Heterophyllisine

      Sub Alpine and Alpine Zones   (1800-4500m)

Conservation Status:
          IUCN-Category : Vulnerable
Description :
              A tall herb. Roots biennal, tuberous, paired; daughter tuber cylindric or conic.

Uses: This plant is considered a valuable febrifuge and a bitter tonic especially in combating debility after malaria and other fevers.

Source: Dutta , I.C. (2007) . Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

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