Friday, August 3, 2012

Horse Chest nut
Nepali: Ghode pangro
English: Horse chest nut
Hindi: Pangar

Family: Hippocastanaceae
Habit: A large deciduous tree
Flowering Period: April-May
Fruiting Period : July-October

Chemical Constituents :
           Seed oil contains alkaloid. The seed give protein, fat, crude, fibre , sucrose and ash.
   Wet temperate zone (1200-3000m)
      A large, decidous tree, with a short, straight, cylindrical bole and spreading crown, 30m in height and 7.5m in girth in favourable localities.

   In time of scarcity, the shoots and leaves are eaten by hill tribes. The crushed fruit is used for washing clothes.

Source: Dutta, I.C.(2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

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