Friday, August 3, 2012

Nepali : Talispatra,
Sanskrit: Talispatra
English name: Fir
Hindi: Bang
Sherpa: Thaasing

Family : Pinaceae
Habit: Tree
Flowering Period : October to December
Fruiting Period : April-August

Chemical Constituents:
       Tree yields white resin. The needle contain alkaloid and an essential oil
Occurence :
 Temperate to alpine zone (2700-3900m)

Description :
       A tall, evergreen tree, up to 60m in height and 3-10m in girth, with a crown broader than that of A. pindrow , commonly found at temperate and alpine Zone.

            Needle is used for cough and bronchitis.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007) . Non Timber Forest Product of Nepal.

Carb's eye
Nepali: Ratiged
Sanskrit: Gunja
English : Carb's eye , Jaquirity
Hindi: Ganchi

Family: Leguminosae
Habit : A perennial Shrubby twiner or climber
Flowering Period : July-August
Fruiting Period : October - November
Parts Used : Root, Leaf and Seed
Taste: Bitter

Chemical Constituents:
      Seeds contain albumotoxin abrine and abralin, Lupeol acetae, sitosterol, Sucrose, Gallic acid, Orientin , Abrussic acid, Haemaglutinin.

Occurence: Subtropical zone (1000m)

A much-branched climber with a woody stem. Flowers reddish or white , in dense pedunculate racemes, which are shorter than or as long as the leaves.

    The roots and leaves contain glycyrrhizin and are used as a substitute for liquorices in coughs and catarrhal affection. The bruished seeds have been used for poisoning cattle, for homicidal purpose and as abortifacient.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

Gum arabic tree
Nepali : Babul
Hindi : Babul
English : Gum arabic tree
Sanskrit : Babbol
Synonym: Acacia nilotica , A. indica 

Family : Leguminosae
Habit : Tree
Flowering and Fruiting Period : August-January

Chemical Constituents:
         The bark contains tannin materials and sucrose. Pods also contain tannin.

Occurence: Tropical to Subtropical Zones

Description :
A moderate-sized, almost evergreen tree with a short trunk, a spreading crown and feathery foliage , found throughout the drier parts of Nepal.

 Babul bark is the most important tannin material and is used in village tanneries.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non-Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

Cutch tree
Nepali : Khair
Sanskrit: Khadira
English: Cutch tree
Hindi : Khair

Family : Leguminosae
Habit: Spiny Tree
Flowering Period : May -July
Fruiting Period: October - December

Chemical Constituents :
            Heartwood contains Catechin and Catechutannic acid.

        Tropical zone in riverine forests

Conservation Status:
       GN/N protection: under the Forest Act 1993 , GN has banned for transportation , export and felling.

Description :
       A moderate sized , deciduous tree with a light feathery crown, occuring throughout mixed forest on a variety of geological formations and soils.

  The most important product obtained from Acacia catechu is catechu. Bark is astringent .

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

snake's tail
Nepali : Apamarga
Sanskrit : Apamarga
English : Chaff flower , snake's tail

Family : Amaranthaceae
Habit : Herb
Flowering and Fruiting Period: August-November

Chemical Constituents:
              The dried seeds give proteins, fat, carbohydrates, fibre , ash, calcium, phosphorous and iron.

Occurence :
      Tropical and Subtropical Zones

Description :
   An erect or procumbent , annual or perennial herb, 1-2m in height, often with a woody base, commonly found up to an alititude of 2100m.

     The young leaves are eaten a a pot-herb. The seeds are nutritious when cooked with milk and are potential source of food.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal

Hill chaff flower

Nepali: Datiwan, Raato apamarga
Sanskrit: Apamarga
English : Hill chaff flower
Hindi : Chirchira
Mag: Datiwan

Family : Amaranthaceae
Habit : An erect or ascending , annual or perennial , herb or shrub
Flowering and Fruiting Period : July-October

Chemical Constituents :
   Seed contains Saponins and alkaloids Achyranthine. The root contains ecdysterone, inokosterone and rubrosterone.

Occurence :
         Tropical to temperate zones

       An erect or ascending , annual or perennial herb or a shrub, sometimes with woody rootstock, closely related to  A. aspera.
          The seeds are used as food during times of scarcity as a substitute for cereals.

     Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007) . Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

Nepali : Bisma
Sanskrit : Bikha
English : Aconite
Scientific Name: Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.

Family :  Ranunculaceae
Habit: A perennial herb
Flowering Period: July -August

Chemical Constituents :
              Pure root contain the alkaloids pseudaconitine, chasmaconitine, indaconitine and bikhaconitine.

    Temperature to alpine zone (2700-3600m)

Conservation Status
         IUCN-Category . Vulnerable         

         A perennial herb growing wild in the alpine Himalayas of Nepal at an altitude of about of 2700-3600m.

        A preparation of the root is much used to poison arrows.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.